Hello to everyone and a big thank you to friends, family, and clients who have supported me and my work for many years. My previous iteration of my website, which I loved, has now become outdated, both in content and code, so I worked with the fine folks at www.smallfish-design to create a WordPress site that is simple enough for me to edit but elegant and content driven.
The photo above is my top nine Instagram posts of 2019. It’s a great way to look back and see which images, people, and events made an impact in my life. It’s certainly not all of the meaningful events or people from this past year, but a fun representation. I love the fact that all nine involve either trees, water, or people.
Moving forward into 2020 feels somewhat momentous. It’s an opportunity to re-think priorities, pursue some personal creative projects, re-connect with friends, and continue doing what I love – making images.
I want to share with you a new project I’m undertaking – a series of portraits of the alumnae who have been through the residency at Turkeyland Cove Foundation – a vibrant mix of authors, painters, designers, visual artists, photographers (yes, me and others!) who have had the incredible opportunity to spend secluded time in a gorgeous setting to work, think, dream, create, and gain insight to their own practices and talents. I was incredibly blessed to have been through the residency myself three times, and to have been asked to be on the board this year! It was very exciting to read some of the applications and advocate for the ones I felt would be a good fit and who would benefit from the time to work uninterrupted. If you are interested in finding out more about the Foundation check out www.turkeylandcovefoundation.org and feel free to email me with questions.

I will be posting more about these portraits, but for now, here are a few that started the project for me.
Kelly Carmody, painter, Kim Collins Jermain, underwater painter, and Susan Porter, art journalist.
Have a safe and wonderful start to your New Year! I would love to hear any feedback about my new site.
xo Peace!